Bot manager

Bot Manager relies on the simple premise that bots are not all created equal. Many bots play a legitimate role in your online business strategy. Others harm your business by reducing competitive advantage, getting between you and your customers, or committing fraud. Bot Manager provides a flexible framework to manage bot traffic based on the needs of your business—to better engage with your customers, improve your security posture, and control the traffic coming to your website every day.

Better control your web traffic

You interact with more than just your customers through your website. Better understand who is coming to your website and what they are trying to do. Then, apply the right policies to control how they can interact with you, what content they can see, and their impacts on your business.

Maximize and protect online revenue

Your website has an integral role in your online business strategy. Whether you sell products or services, monetize visitors through ad revenue, or are trying to improve your search rankings, Bot Manager helps you protect and optimize how your content is consumed in order to drive revenue from your website.

Maintain competitive advantage

Whether it is to price match or repurpose your value-added content, your competitors often scrape your website to gain an advantage in the market. Bot Manager can help you better manage your online competitive dynamics and retain control over your customer relationships.

Minimize impacts of web fraud

Reduce your financial risk by protecting your website against credential abuse, gift card balance checking, and other forms of web fraud. Bot Manager can detect and identify the most sophisticated bots—including those seen conducting these types of attacks.

Granular visibility into bot traffic

Better support and provide greater value to the business. With granular and real-time visibility into bot traffic, Bot Manager helps you reduce the time to visibility and enables you to provide better insights to your business about the makeup of their bot traffic.

Reduce IT costs and overhead

Offload both your bot traffic and the operational overhead required to identify and manage it to the Akamai cloud delivery platform.