Enterprise Threat Protector
Enterprise Threat Protector proactively identifies, blocks, and mitigates targeted threats such as malware, ransomware, phishing, DNS data exfiltration, and advanced zero-day attacks. Enterprise Threat Protector is a Secure Internet Gateway (SIG) that enables security teams to ensure that users and devices can safely connect to the Internet, regardless of where they are connecting from, without the complexity associated with legacy approaches.
Improve Security Posture Everywhere
Your recursive DNS is likely unprotected, and as such, could be exploited. In a matter of minutes, add a layer of security that uses DNS as a control point to uniformly and immediately block malicious domains and communications for all of your users, whether they are on or off network.
Secure Direct Internet Access (DIA) Connections
Protect your branch DIA traffic quickly with zero complexity, without replicating your security stack at every location.
Protect Guest Wi-Fi
Easily enforce an acceptable use policy (AUP) across your guest Wi-Fi for both brand and user protection.